So you want Healthy Crops?
Every farmer's livelihood depends on getting most production from their land. Unhealthy Crops can damage profitability, cashflow and even business viability, which is why so many farmers need to ensure their crops are healthy.
Using the benefits of the sea, our seaweed based products can help ensure your crops are kept healthy at minimal cost.
Problems in plants
You have clinical and sub clinical (un-noticed)
Clinical -,diseases and pests fungi lack of yield.
Diseases are usually twofold
1. Extreme infections and break down all plants normal resistance barriers
2. Deficiencies in minerals or nutrients leading to discolouration, stunted growth weak stems
and susceptibility to pests and diseases, result loss of yield.
3. Attacks by pests and funghi to deficient plants/
Sub Clinical
Less than optimum growth sometimes difficult to pinpoint, after eliminating the usual inadequate
calcium (for PH) to neutralise acidity, Main Fertliser N, P+K, weather, time of year, etc.
The solution
we recommend Kainit & Goemar
There are over 40 minerals in the known spectrum many are in good soils or can be supplied by
As an alternative to “artificial” (man made fertilisers) we import KALI a time honoured product call
Kainit a natural rock fertiliser containing trace elements. Also a very special liquid seaweed
called Goemar .... Vitamines, minerals amino acides, Growth ... etc in a liquid seaweed
To supply the four most important fertiliser elements apart from Phosphorous (nitrogen being
classed as a booster only. Some is necessary but more only dilutes the dry matter, energy and
Goëmar liquid seaweed, that contains 100% of the growth promoting hormones, betaines amino acids, vitamins and trace elements vital for vigorous growth.
containing all the most important growth hormones, vitamins and soil conditioning properties that are beneficial to soil, plant and animal health.
All these growth and stress busting hormones are passed onto your grass to produce high sugar content grass that provides excellent food for you animals.
Detailed trace element soil analysis may identify the problem book your soil test here